الثلاثاء، 16 أغسطس 2011

Catalogue of Najaf for children's rooms

Not only the role of lighting as a source of important and essential to illuminate the room, but experts say that the sophistication in lighting and distinctive selection of Najaf and gives the wonderful scenery of the beautiful room and giving it a charming and romantic paper, especially in children's rooms.

A child needs to be inherently beautiful things and means impressive and draws his attention is attracted, so today we offer you a charming catalog of Najaf children's rooms, choose from it what suits your child's bedroom.

 Experts point decoration to the need to choose Najaf appropriate and in line with the colors of paint the room so as not to upset your child from the different colors, and make sure you always use proper lighting, whether your child reads, or writes, or paints, or colored, it is necessary to make room lighting appropriate for your child, you can choose the shapes that attract your child like animals, planes, and Arab brides and colorful birds, here's this group:

Do not forget, dear mother that the child may need a night light to give a faint sense of security and do not even feel scared, so experts recommend the need to choose Najaf in which there are two types of lighting and other lighting very simple.

 Even the lighting is beneficial and healthy for your child, you should be aware that they are one of the key elements to create the framework necessary and psychological health, and good distribution of light protects the eye from the stress and increases a child's ability and focus, and types of lighting to you:

General lighting: Is that light up the place and check the light-General of the room.

Focused lighting: that gives support and more direct light of the activity in the room.

Lighting directed: that is used to highlight the aesthetic points at home and draw attention to Kalthv or paintings or decorations construction

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